Building & Promoting Narratives (Part II)

Our Objectives


Kashmir Institute of International Relations (KIIR) organized a series of Two Workshops in Collaboration with Department of International Relations Women University Bagh, AJK at Dewan E Aziz Hotel Bagh AJK on 29th and 30th of June 2019. Around 70 students of the Department of International Relations participated in these Workshops. 


The main objective of both Workshops was primarily aimed at building the capacity of the students and to enhance their understandings and perceptions about Leadership, Personality Types, notion of Confidence, Narratives, Counter Narratives and other related broader concepts. We are very thankful to Dr. Mahmood Hussain HOD Department of International Relations for his valuable contribution for both the workshops and making these workshops a success story. We acknowledge the contribution of our coordinators Ms. Tahmina Riaz from Women University Bagh and Mr. Amir Ali Syed from Such Tv. We look forward to having more collaboration with Department of International Relations and other departments of Women University of Bagh, Azad Jammu and Kashmir in future as well. The 2 day long Training sessions concluded with creating urgency, building a coalition, forming a strategic mission, enlisting support, how to remove common barriers, creating small wins, accelerating and ultimately achieving the change they envisioned.


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